Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 5: Following the light

The challenge was to move towards a light.

Two light sensors were placed on each side of the robot, both facing forward. We had slight difficulty with one light sensor being more sensitive than the other, so our first version of the program had the robot comparing the current light detected from one sensor to the light it had detected a tenth of a second ago.

However, not only was this incredibly complicated, it also had interesting issues. At a lower time interval, the robot would take a scenic path towards the light (but eventually reach it), and at a higher time interval, the robot would spin in a circle every time it moved forward 6 inches. The imbalance of the motors (one side is more powerful than the other) also posed a problem

So after testing the light sensors, we chose two new ones, that were of similar sensitivity.

Not only was this simpler, it was also functional!

There are still slight problems as the robot moves. Most are caused by the imbalance of the strength of the motor, since it turns more in one direction...

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