Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day 21 and 22: the rebuilding of motion modules and the beginnings of Charizard...

Instead of the confetti for a flame, Charizard is now supposed to stick out a flame. However, the original motion for that is extremely difficult to expand, as I discovered. Prof Berg suggested this motion module instead, because it can be easily expanded to reach further. Yay!

Picocricket program is now 100% functional! All computer aspects are completely done. The programs are rather long though, so I will not post them

We've begun to build Electrode and Charizard... Through many, many trials.

Our electrode seems to be faring well with wire wrapped around a frame. Luckily, spheres are decently trivial to create. Illustrator easily creates circles, so the frame was simple. (This process actually involved a great deal more confusion than this implies. Hot glue was necessary.)

Charizard is not faring as well. After many attempts at frames for the body, we've given up. Charizard now has a box for a body. Its head is completely laser cut and hot glued together... And then we realized that the motion for the flame actually curves out in an arc instead of straight! After many trials, we settled for the sweeping motion, because of lack of other options.

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